India Market Entry

India Market Entry
Launch your business in India
India is considered to be one of the huge and successful markets targeted by many of the Companies across the world.
Herbal Consultants Pvt. Ltd. provides you the opportunity to enter into the Indian market with correct direction moving towards the goal of a successful launch with high returns. We not only just guide you in entering the Indian market, but make your experience more smoother without any regulatory or legal issues.
- Product & Brand Market Research:
We conduct an extensive market research for your brand or category of the product you are intending to launch in India. The market research gives you a clear idea upon the selected segment of market, pricing policy, market size, demand analysis, competitor analysis and the returns.
- Marketing Strategy Formulation:
We formulate proper strategies for marketing your product in India. These are formulated according to the product segment, geographical segment, behavioral segment and demand analysis for the product.
- Market Mapping:
We study various market conditions that is plotted on a map to identify trends and corresponding variables between consumers and products. This helps companies locate problem areas and figure out the source of problems by examining related variables.
- Marketing, Advertising & Promotions:
These include Advertising, Affinity Marketing, Brand Identity, Collateral Development, Direct Response, Engagement Marketing, Interactive Marketing, Web development, SEO and SEM strategies and Social Media.
- Human Resource Management:
We provide human resource management services for recruitment and appointment of people on proper positions in India.
- Techno-commercial Feasibility:
We check for the techno-commercial feasibility for projects such as setting up a manufacturing unit, etc.
- Contract Manufacturing:
We help you in finding right company and right location for contract manufacturing. We guide you in terms of location, pricing, negotiation and on-time delivery from the manufacturer.
- Supply Chain Management:
We organize your supply chain systems for raw materials, finished products, etc. We help to set-up proper distribution, inventory and logistics management.
- Sales & Recovery:
We support you in sales through the entire channel of hierarchy, either the super stockiest channels or the personal representative channels. We help you in association with the dealers and distributors. We also help you in setting up proper payment recovery options.
- Legal & Regulatory Services:
We guide you in setting up a new legal entity in India, legal procedures, product registrations, licenses, tax registrations and any other business legal activities.