
Client Stories

Strategic Planning With Product Re-Development

European Institute Of Scientific Research For Ayurveda (EISRA) is one of the oldest institutes in Europe providing education in Ayurveda. EISRA has its own school in the Netherlands and has multiple clinics in Western Europe.

Product Development, Operation Management & Delivery

Dietary Healthcare Private Limited (DH) is a Start-up Company based in India. The chairperson of DH is into the healthcare industry since 9 years, and wanted to start his own Company in herbal industry.

Product Research

Biorings Inc., is an U.S.A. based Company dealing into herbal product research. Biorings intended to develop ‘Herbal Intra-vaginal contraceptive device’ on which they were working since years.

Business Plan Development

Hungarian Cluster Of Ayurveda (H.C.A.) is a cluster based in Hungary contributing towards development of Ayurveda in Hungary. HCA had developed Kaqun water, which can be used for many illnesses.

Regulatory Affairs, Operational Planning, Trainings, Marketing and Sales

ABC Pharma Sp. Z o.o., a Poland based Company, is into the field of Healthcare spreading through its main sectors into herbal and dietary supplements, medical tourism and Ayurveda or Holistic consultations and treatments through various platforms.

Product Sourcing

Herbland is a Company based in Canada, into the herbal industry since many years. Herbland has a very good manufacturing facility and a wide range of products registered as NHP under Health Canada

Imports, Regulatory Affairs and Strategic Planning

Stelenza, based in Brazil is into the healthcare and dietary supplements field since many years. Stelenza has its own manufacturing unit for drugs and caters through

Scientific Writing

The Holistic Directory is the fastest-growing directory of holistic services in the UK, helping you find the best holistic treatment providers in your area.

Product Registration and Clinical Studies

Moringo Organics is based in U.S.A. is into dietary supplement manufacturing and sales.Backed by a professional team, the product of Moringo is well efficient.

Product Sourcing

Indian Herbals is a Company based in Romania, into the herbal industry since many years. Indian Herbals has a very good distribution network across Romania.

Herbal Farming and International Sales

Stelenza, based in Brazil is into the healthcare and dietary supplements field since many years. Stelenza has its own manufacturing unit for drugs and herbal supplements

Imports & Ayurveda Articles

Premdani Ayurveda, based in the Netherlands, is a center for Ayurveda. They consult on various ailments and provide treatments based on the principles of Indian Ayurveda.

Product Sourcing, Re-Development and Planning

Mhhuller Incorporation is based in Kazakhstan and is into the herbal industry since few years. Mhhuller started with few herbal brands as a distributor and now entering the market with its own product range as a manufacturer.

Innovation, Diversification and Planning

Swift pharmaceuticals is a Sri Lanka based Company into the manufacturing and sales of allopathic drugs. Swift pharmaceuticals is amongst the oldest pharma company in Sri Lanka.

Product Innovation, Operations and International Sales

Nutraherb Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd., based in India is into dietary supplements industry. Nutraherb wanted to develop niche products, which will be demand oriented globally. Nutraherb also wanted to executive all the clinical studies…

Marketing Plan Development

Naava Wellness Center (NWC) is a group of well centers located in Mumbai, India. The Company is into all kind of wellness treatments for various age groups. The center also focuses on the cosmetic care for all age groups.

Manufacturing Plant Set-Up, Clinical Studies and IPR

Ipsum Life Sciences (ILS) is Company based in India. ILS is into the health care industry specifying for development of innovative surgical devices. ILS wanted to make a key research in their current product, conduct …

Project Management

CAIT EdusysLmited is a Company working with the Government of India to develop increased number of skilled population across India. CAIT works with National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) of India.

Herbal Cigarettes – IPR and International Sales Plan

Udyaraj Exports (UE) is a Company based in Pune (India), dealing into the development and exports of herbal products. UE has developed an innovative product into the herbal industry.

US-FDA Product Label Development

Atreya Pharmaceuticals (AP) is a Company based in Gujarat (India), dealing into Ayurveda products. AP is into the product distribution for different companies across the given territory of Gujarat.

Manufacturing Set-Up

PunarvasuChikitsalaya (PC), is a Ayurveda hospital in the city of Pune located in India. Punarvasu is well know and famous for the Ayurveda treatments with the Panchkarma’s. PC is into the Ayurveda treatment

IT Solutions and Operations

Natural Clinics is a private limited Company based in India, dealing into Ayurveda treatments. Expanding the Ayurveda treatment, Natural Clinics wanted to set-up an online….

Patent Sales and Business Plan Development

Agam Herbal Products (AHP) is a Company based in India, dealing into product development and search. AHP has developed many innovative and market oriented products….

Product Design, Digital Planning and Business Plan

Product Sourcing, Support and Business Plan

Ingredients Sourcing

Product Re-Development, Regulatory Affairs and International Business

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EISRA, The Netherlands.Strategic Planning with Product Re-Development

European Institute Of Scientific Research For Ayurveda (EISRA) is one of the oldest institutes in Europe providing education in Ayurveda. EISRA has its own school in the Netherlands and has multiple clinics in Western Europe.

EISRA had its own range of products, which were used in the clinics and for educational purposes. As a plan to expand, EISRA wanted now to deal into innovative product re-development and set a concrete operational plan, which can add a value to the organization and also commercialize the same.

Herbal Consultants Pvt. Ltd. (HCPL) has a hand full of experience into the Global Ayurveda industry. Our expertise in identifying opportunities for improvement, which the business could understand and buy into, was vital. By analyzing the company’s processes using a unique cost diagnostic combined with lean techniques, HCPL identified product and operational improvement opportunities. HCPL re-developed 12 product formulations according to the international regulatory standards for herbal supplements, designed an innovative packaging systems for the new products with a patented child locking system, conducted clinical trials for the products, set manufacturing plans in Netherlands, India and Canada and made a systematic strategic plans for the product commercialization.

The plan highlighted 64% yearly revenue activity. The cost model built by HCPL led to rapid and accurate quantification and business buy in to the business case benefits.

With management support, HCPL have developed a transformation programme and is supporting this company in planning its implementation phase, which is targeting a 30% cost reduction in budget.

To learn more about our work in this area or to speak to one of our experts in this industry, please contact us now.

Dietary Healthcare Pvt. Ltd., IndiaProduct Development, Operation Management & Delivery

Dietary Healthcare Private Limited (DH) is a Start-up Company based in India. The chairperson of DH is into the healthcare industry since 9 years, and wanted to start his own Company in herbal industry.

DH as a start-up, required complete new product development and operational management plans to run the business successfully. DH not only targeted Indian market, but also international markets for their new developed products. Also, the most important task was to fit the project in a fixed minimal capital investment.

Herbal Consultants Pvt. Ltd. (HCPL), started working on the plan in the desired fixed working capital budget. HCPL divided the project into phases, starting with the product development first. HCPL conducted an international market survey targeting the North American and European regions. According to our analysis and outputs, HCPL developed 5 demand-oriented products for DH, conducted clinical trials and registered the products under FDA. HCPL also designed and developed manufacturing unit plan in the desired financial structure in an efficient way. HCPL designed an operational plan for DH with SOP’s in order to run the business in a profitable way. Operational plan consisted of production planning, inventory planning, financial planning, marketing and sales planning. HCPL also developed supply chain management system for DH.

To learn more about our work in this area or to speak to one of our experts in this industry, please contact us now.

Biorings Inc., U.S.A.Product Research

Biorings Inc., is an U.S.A. based Company dealing into herbal product research. Biorings intended to develop ‘Herbal Intra-vaginal contraceptive device’ on which they were working since years.

Biorings succeeded in developing the process for herbal intra-vaginal contraceptive device, but wanted 2 vital herbal ingredients, which will actually contribute to the process of female contraception.

Herbal Consultants Pvt. Ltd. (HCPL) was contacted as a key contributor for selection of the two herbal ingredients. HCPL conducted detailed study of the contraceptive process developed and studied the documents and device. After an extensive research, HCPL succeeded in finding and selecting the herbal ingredients. Clinical trails were conducted to prove the efficacy and safety of the herbal ingredients as a female contraceptive and also which is safe for the female vagina. The ingredient selection was done in such a way, that the costs was reduced by 54% and were easily available.

HCPL is now planning for an international business plan for the newly developed ‘Female intra-vaginal herbal contraceptive device’.

To learn more about our work in this area or to speak to one of our experts in this industry, please contact us now.

H.C.A., Hungary.Business Plan Development

Hungarian Cluster Of Ayurveda (H.C.A.) is a cluster based in Hungary contributing towards development of Ayurveda in Hungary. HCA had developed Kaqun water, which can be used for many illnesses.

HCA wanted to develop a business plan to commercialize the product in international territories. HCA also wanted to register the product under herbal and dietary supplement category. They also wanted a product-pricing plan and identify distributors across the globe for the product.

Herbal Consultants Pvt. Ltd. (HCPL) was contacted for the above consulting solutions. HCPL studied the product and the market for the same. HCPL found that the product could be commercialized as a niche product and also as a ‘Rasayana’ for major illnesses. HCPL primarily developed documentation for the product regulatory affairs. HCPL developed a business plan comprising of product pricing, market segmentation, regional price variations, operations, marketing and sales strategies. HCPL identified few but good distributors for the product sales and distrinution.

HCPL contributed over 30% of the revenue generation for Kaqun water.

To learn more about our work in this area or to speak to one of our experts in this industry, please contact us now.

ABC Pharma Sp. Z o.o., Poland.Regulatory Affairs, Operational Planning, Trainings, Marketing and Sales

ABC Pharma Sp. Z o.o., a Poland based Company, is into the field of Healthcare spreading through its main sectors into herbal and dietary supplements, medical tourism and Ayurveda or Holistic consultations and treatments through various platforms.

ABC Pharma has a very good range of products, which can be well placed, into the market. ABC wanted to register the products in Europe and make an operational plan of action to commercialize the products and its other sectors across the globe. ABC also wanted to train their staff for the products and guide them through formulating various marketing and sales strategies.

Herbal Consultants Pvt. Ltd. (HCPL) guided ABC Pharma in the field of regulatory affairs, operations, trainings, marketing and sales. The product documentations were prepared for the registrations under the EU regulatory guidelines. HCPL helped ABC in appointing the key staff for operations, marketing and sales. HCPL studied, understood and placed the products into the niche market category segmenting into the geographical and behavioral patterns of the people with demand analysis. The total operation plan was prepared for the first 5 years targeting a goal to achieve. HCPL focused on formulating strong marketing and sales strategies according to the goals set with a sound financial plan. HCPL also trained ABC’s staff with regards to the products and the strategies.

To learn more about our work in this area or to speak to one of our experts in this industry, please contact us now.

Herbland, CanadaProduct Sourcing

Herbland is a Company based in Canada, into the herbal industry since many years. Herbland has a very good manufacturing facility and a wide range of products registered as NHP under Health Canada.

As a plan of expansion, Herbland wanted to add few more products into their basket. To create an add-on in an easy way, Herbland wanted to source the products from India with its best quality, efficacy and price control. They were also very much concerned for the purity of herbs as well as the heavy metal and microbial count analysis.

Herbal Consultants Pvt. Ltd. (HCPL) guided Herbland through the entire process. HCPL identified the best manufacturers in India for the selected range of products. HCPL analyzed the product samples for the microbial and heavy metal tests. HCPL not only concentrated on the efficacy of the product, but also on the minimal dose efficacy of the product. This added an USP for Herbland with the low dosage compliance with maximum efficacy. HCPL also checked for the products to be safe and can be easily registered under NHP, Health Canada. HCPL negotiated for the pricing and payment structure and added much more benefits. HCPL also helped in the regulatory documentation preparation for Health Canada.

To learn more about our work in this area or to speak to one of our experts in this industry, please contact us now.

Stelenza, BrazilImports, Regulatory Affairs and Strategic Planning

Stelenza, based in Brazil is into the healthcare and dietary supplements field since many years. Stelenza has its own manufacturing unit for drugs and caters through the Latin American regions.

Stelenza has a good distribution and logistics hold throughout the country and also exports its products to many other international areas.

As an expansion plan, Stelenza wanted to add on with the herbal medicines. As a start, they wanted to import the best herbal products and distribute through their current supply chain under customized labeling. Stelenza had a ready base of customers who could buy and distribute the herbal medicines. Stelenza also wanted consultation on preparing regulatory documentation and make a strategic plan for imports and distribution.

Herbal Consultants Pvt. Ltd. (HCPL) identified the best products across the globe. Working in a phase wise manner, we started testing the products and finalizing according to the Anvisa regulations of Brazil. HCPL finalized the products, designed packaging systems and did manufacturing contracts with customized labels for Stelenza. HCPL guided in setting the supply chain for importing the products into Brazil. HCPL also worked for setting SOP’s for total import structure with custom clearance. HCPL worked on preparing documentation for registering the products under Anvisa, Brazil. HCPL designed a sound strategic plan for the local distribution with price effectivity. With HCPL’s planning, Steleza saved 14% of its expenses.

To learn more about our work in this area or to speak to one of our experts in this industry, please contact us now. 

Holistic Directory Inc., United KingdomScientific Writing

The Holistic Directory is the fastest-growing directory of holistic services in the UK, helping you find the best holistic treatment providers in your area.The Holistic Directory also offers a community to share events, promotions and information. It is now the UK’s second largest diary for holistic events, and offers an impressive library of articles by practitioners.

Holistic Directory wanted scientific writing done for its website articles.

Herbal Consultants Pvt. Ltd. (HCPL) worked on scientific writing for the Holistic Directory. HCPL wrote many articles related to cosmetic science and herbs which were publish on the Holistic Directory website.

To learn more about our work in this area or to speak to one of our experts in this industry, please contact us now.

Moringo Organics Inc., U.S.A.Product Registration and Clinical Studies

Moringo Organics is based in U.S.A. is into dietary supplement manufacturing and sales. Backed by a professional team, the product of Moringo is well efficient and can be utilized in many different health conditions.

Moringo Organics wanted to register the product under the ‘Ayurvedic medicine’ category under FDA in India and also wanted to conduct clinical trials for the same product.

Herbal Consultants Pvt. Ltd. (HCPL) was contacted for the above. HCPL studied the product thoroughly and suggested few formulation changes to register under Ayurvedic category of FDA. HCPL also developed the label according to the Indian regulatory standards. HCPL suggested to conduct CTRI registered clinical studies of the product to uplift the product credibility into the market. HCPL conducted the studies in India. HCPL also provided vendors contacts for the raw materials required. The vendors were selected according to the quality they provided and also by testing the raw materials for heavy metals contamination free and safety.

HCPL contributed in regulatory affairs, clinical studies and RM vendors in a price effective manner.

To learn more about our work in this area or to speak to one of our experts in this industry, please contact us now.

Stelenza, BrazilHerbal Farming and International Sales

Stelenza, based in Brazil is into the healthcare and dietary supplements field since many years. Stelenza has its own manufacturing unit for drugs and herbal supplements and caters through the Latin American regions. Stelenza has a good distribution and logistics hold throughout the country and also exports its products to many other international areas.

As a plan to diversity and expand, Stelenza wanted to start herbal farming. Stelenza already had a huge land which was utilized for cultivation of animal feed grass. Stelenza had recently started herbal supplemnts distribution, and as a helping hand to the parent business, herbal farming was more suitable for Stelenza.

Herbal Consultants Pvt. Ltd. (HCPL) was contacted for making a plan for herbal farming, getting the operations done and also guide into international sales. HCPL studied the plant and cultivation crops pattern in Brazil and also the demand oriented herbal plants, which can be easily sold into the markets. The plan was made for 10000 hectors of land. To start with, a pilot project was done on 2 hectors of land with the selection of Aloe verabarbadensis miller species. The pilot project was successful, and then HCPL guided for a bigger part of the land. HCPL primarily took organic land certification. HCPL with an operation plan did land development, testing’s, crop selection, cultivation, harvesting and also the use of organic fertilizers and pesticides. HCPL primarily planned strategy to sale raw herbs (leaves) of Aloe verabarbadenis miller into the international markets.

HCPL also developed a plan to set-up a manufacturing unit for manufacturing herbal juices and gels.

To learn more about our work in this area or to speak to one of our experts in this industry, please contact us now.

Premdani Ayurveda, The NetherlandsImports & Ayurveda Articles

Premdani Ayurveda, based in the Netherlands, is a center for Ayurveda. They consult on various ailments and provide treatments based on the principles of Indian Ayurveda. Premadani Ayurveda also hastheir own range of Ayurveda or herbal products.

Premdani Ayurveda wanted to add further few more products into their product basket. These products were for the challenges faced like for high blood pressure, vitiligo, alcohol addiction, loss of libido and ‘Grahani’.  Premdani Ayurveda also wanted to write articles on various Ayurveda subjects such as Ayurveda Avatarana (Ayurveda’s travel to planet earth), DhanvantariStawan (Lord Dhanvantari) and articles on Alkaline and Acidic foods.

Herbal Consultants Pvt. Ltd. (HCPL) formulated the products for Premdani Ayurveda. HCPL studied the climatic conditions, type of disorders, the food habits of the people and the herbs potentially effective on the cold climate people from Netherlands. After this extensive study, HCPL formulated the herbal products for high blood pressure (hypertension), vitiligo, alcohol addiction, loss of libido and Grahani (A disorder of the intestine). HCPL also wrote articles on Ayurveda Avataran, Lord Dhanvantari and also few more articles on the alkaline and acidic nature of food and their action on human body.

To learn more about our work in this area or to speak to one of our experts in this industry, please contact us now.

Mhhuller Incorporation, KazakhstanProduct Sourcing, Re-Development and Planning

Mhhuller Incorporation is based in Kazakhstan and is into the herbal industry since few years. Mhhuller started with few herbal brands as a distributor and now entering the market with its own product range as a manufacturer.

Mhhuller Incorporation wanted highly effective standardized and regulated products, wanted to re-develop certain products for its formulation. Mhhuller Incorporation also wanted a plan for the product sourcing, manufacturing, and imports to Kazakhstan.

Herbal Consultants Pvt. Ltd. (HCPL) guided Mhhuller through the process. HCPL primarily listed the products to be sourced. S.O.P’s were developed for the product formulation, site selection, contract manufacturing with product and regulatory relevancy. The products for re-development were studied with all aspect for the development. Manufacturing site was identified and contracted for customized production. HCPL guided through the regulatory process and the legal process to bind with the SOP’s and with the safety and efficacy of the product. A production plan was developed according to the need of imports to Kazakhstan.

To learn more about our work in this area or to speak to one of our experts in this industry, please contact us now. 

Swift Pharmaceuticals, Sri LankaInnovation, Diversification and Planning

Swift pharmaceuticals is a Sri Lanka based Company into the manufacturing and sales of allopathic drugs. Swift pharmaceuticals is amongst the oldest pharma company in Sri Lanka and covers whole of the country for it’s marketing and sales. Swift pharmaceutical has a huge base of manufacturing with large number of field employees.

To add into the growth of the Company, Swift pharmaceuticals decided to enter the herbal industry too for Sri Lanka. The awareness and market size for herbal products is extensively growing which motivated the company and diversified to enter the herbal markets. Swift Pharmaceuticals wanted innovative herbal product range for niche marketing and to survive with growth in the market already with competitors. Swift pharmaceutical also wanted the whole planning to be done which included right from the product selection till the sales and marketing.

Herbal Consultants Pvt. Ltd. (HCPL) was contacted for developing innovative products, which can work on diseases like malaria, viral infections and libido. As a part of phase I planning, HCPL developed the formulation for the above three categories. The manufacturing S.O.P’s and manuals were prepared. HCPL assisted in setting up the manufacturing process and a small production unit. HCPL provided certified vendors for raw materials, machinery set-up, production planning, operation planning, and systematic marketing and sales strategies. HCPL also provided trainings to the staff of Swift pharmaceutical.

To learn more about our work in this area or to speak to one of our experts in this industry, please contact us now.

Nutraherb Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd., IndiaProduct Innovation, Operations and International Sales

Nutraherb Life Sciences, based in India is into dietary supplements industry.

Nutraherb wanted to develop niche products, which will be demand oriented globally. Nutraherb also wanted to executive all the clinical studies, manufacturing, packaging designing and operations including marketing and sales support.

Herbal Consultants Private Limited (HCPL) is expertise into the requirements of NutraHerb with Global marketing and sales expertise. Nutraherb contacted HCPL for product innovations, operations and international sales. HCPL developed innovative product range with the concept of combining herbs and nutritional ingredients to form a different kind of dietary supplement range. HCPL made a market research and survey for this niche concept to know the demand in the global markets. HCPL received number of positive testimonials for the same. HCPL helped Nutraherb in the intellectual property rights such as patent applications, etc. HCPL designed packaging for the products. HCPL made an operational plan to execute the manufacturing, packaging, marketing and sales. HCPL developed key marketing strategies and policies, which could take Herbal Consultants globally.

 To learn more about our work in this area or to speak to one of our experts in this industry, please contact us now.

Naava Wellness Center, IndiaMarketing Plan Development

Naava Wellness Center (NWC) is a group of well centers located in Mumbai, India. The Company is into all kind of wellness treatments for various age groups. The center also focuses on the cosmetic care for all age groups.

NWC wanted to develop a marketing plan, which would increase the footfall in the center as well as promote the brand and the services.

Herbal Consultants Private Limited (HCPL) has its expertise into the health and wellness industry. NWC contacted HCPL to develop a marketing plan, which will suit their centers, location and also increase their footfall. HCPL conducted a market survey, wherein the competitors were analyzed for the services they offer with the marketing strategies used. HCPL developed the best plan for NWC, which made themselves identified from the competitors in terms of services, packages and promotions. HCPL developed wellness packages with respect to health categories and age groups. HCPL also developed key marketing and promotional strategies which created brand awareness with the increase in the center footfall; thus increasing the income for NWC.

To learn more about our work in this area or to speak to one of our experts in this industry, please contact us now.

Manufacturing Plant Set-Up, Clinical Studies and IPR

Ipsum Life Sciences (ILS) is Company based in India. ILS is into the health care industry specifying for development of innovative surgical devices.

ILS wanted to make a key research in their current product, conduct clinical studies, set-up manufacturing unit according to the USFDA GMP guidelines. ILS also wanted to make their intellectual property rights (IPR) for the product.

ILS contacted Herbal Consultants Private Limited (HCPL) for the above requirements. HCPL conducted market research and developed an innovative design for laparoscopic access trocar. The design for the device was patented. HCPL conducted clinical studies for the device against well know international company device. HCPL guided in setting-up USFDA GMP certified manufacturing unit. HCPL also conducted product and operational trainings.

To learn more about our work in this area or to speak to one of our experts in this industry, please contact us now. 

CAIT Edusys Ltd. NSDC, Government of India.Project Management

CAIT EdusysLmited is a Company working with the Government of India to develop increased number of skilled population across India. CAIT works with National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) of India.

CAIT wanted to expand into the healthcare category to provide trainings to general public of India to make them skilled into the health care area.

CAIT contacted Herbal Consultants Private Limited (HCPL) for the entire project management to create and train skilled people into the healthcare sector. HCPL developed the entire project plan report for CAIT, which was submitted to the NSDC, Government of India, which was approved by the Government. HCPL also developed training manuals for the teachers and study material books for the students. Currently, HCPL plays a big role in developing skilled people for the Indian Healthcare sector.

To learn more about our work in this area or to speak to one of our experts in this industry, please contact us now. 

Udayraj Exports, IndiaHerbal Cigarettes – IPR and International Sales Plan

Udyaraj Exports (UE) is a Company based in Pune (India), dealing into the development and exports of herbal products.

UE has developed an innovative product into the herbal industry. UE developed herbal cigarettes, which could be smoked and utilized as an alternative for nicotine cigarettes. UE wanted to take proper patent rights for the product and also wanted to develop a plan for international sales of the herbal cigarettes product.

Herbal Consultants Private Limited (HCPL) is a Company expertise into the herbal industry, was contacted by UE for the development of international sales plan with the reservation of patent rights. HCPL studies the whole product in depth with all the processes involved, so could file a patent with proper channel securing all the rights globally. HCPL conducted market survey and research for the product and did a comparative study against the competitor herbal cigarette product. HCPL developed a marketing and sales plan for the product considering all the international markets. The plan was developed according to the demand, consumption, change and behavior patterns of the people for every specific geographical area.

To learn more about our work in this area or to speak to one of our experts in this industry, please contact us now.

Atrey Pharmaceuticals, IndiaUS-FDA Product Label Development

Atreya Pharmaceuticals (AP) is a Company based in Gujarat (India), dealing into Ayurveda products. AP is into the product distribution for different companies across the given territory of Gujarat.

As a expansion to the current business, AP developed few herbal products which can be registered as dietary supplement in the US markets.

AP contacted Herbal Consultants Private Limited (HCPL) for developing product labels according to the USFDA guidelines for dietary supplements. As expertise into the regulatory field, HCPL studies the product ingredients. HCPL suggested few formulation changes for certain products. HCPL developed the product labels data and placements according to the USFDA guidelines.

To learn more about our work in this area or to speak to one of our experts in this industry, please contact us now.

Punarvasu Chikitsalaya, IndiaManufacturing Set-Up

PunarvasuChikitsalaya (PC), is a Ayurveda hospital in the city of Pune located in India. Punarvasu is well know and famous for the Ayurveda treatments with the Panchkarma’s.

PC is into the Ayurveda treatment and dispenses self-made herbal medicines to all their patients. As a business updation and expansion, PC wanted to set up manufacturing unit, by which PC will have its own brand of Ayurveda medicines.

Herbal Consultants Private Limited (HCPL) has its expertise into setting up manufacturing units for Ayurveda products. PC contacted HCPL for developing a plan for manufacturing set-up with all the financials. HCPL identified land locations, which would make ease for the staff of PC, as well as decrease the travel time and transportation costs. HCPL also worked upon the products and suggested new manufacturing techniques, which would decrease the manufacturing time, also improve the efficiency. HCPL developed the best plan for setting up the manufacturing unit with all the costs required. PC accepted the plan.

To learn more about our work in this area or to speak to one of our experts in this industry, please contact us now. 

Natural Clinics Pvt. Ltd., IndiaIT Solutions and Operations

Natural Clinics is a private limited Company based in India, dealing into Ayurveda treatments.

Expanding the Ayurveda treatment, Natural Clinics wanted to set-up an online portal that can treat long distance international patients.

Herbal Consultants Private Limited (HCPL) has its expertise into the IT solutions and also the Ayurveda sector. Natural clinics contacted HCPL to develop an online portal for international or long distance patient treatment through the methods of Ayurveda. HCPL developed an IT structure for the patient treatment, which included online chats, video and phone calls, case study and Ayurveda treatment. Apart from the treatment part, HCPL suggested and developed IT models for Ayurveda tourism, Ayurveda educational courses as well as an informative website for Ayurveda. HCPL developed an operational plan and currently runs all the operations for Natural Clinics.

To learn more about our work in this area or to speak to one of our experts in this industry, please contact us now.

Agam Herbal Products Pvt. Ltd., IndiaPatent Sales and Business Plan Development

Agam Herbal Products (AHP) is a Company based in India, dealing into product development and search.

AHP has developed many innovative and market oriented products. AHP wanted to acquire intellectual property rights for the products and wanted to develop a business plan wherein the product patents could be sold and also market few products internationally in the Company’s brand.

AHP contacted Herbal Consultants Private Limited (HCPL), for the above requirements. HCPL studied all the product innovations, formulations and processes. HCPL guided AHP in registering the product patents. A business plan was developed through which the product patents can be sold. Also, HCPL developed a business plan for the international product marketing and sales for the selected products under AHP’s brand name. The plan was developed by extensive market research, considering the market, market size, demand analysis and behavioral patterns. The plan was segmented according to the geographical locations.

To learn more about our work in this area or to speak to one of our experts in this industry, please contact us now.

Indu Pharma, IndiaProduct Design, Digital Planning and Business Plan

Sanghmitra Exports Pvt. Ltd., IndiaProduct Sourcing, Support and Business Plan

Pentavox Herbals, IndiaIngredients Sourcing

Om Shakamberi Herbals Pvt. Ltd., IndiaProduct Re-Development, Regulatory Affairs and International Business